Its name definitely reflects the “Whimsical” character, which is reflected in its appearance and combination of ingredients – ham, artichokes, mushrooms and olives. Pizza 4 seasons consists of the same ingredients, but there is a difference between them.
Over time, as it often happens with all whimsical pizzas, they were adapted to the customs and traditions of the various territories where they were prepared. The ingredients may vary depending on the specifics of the region. For example, in Sicily, at a famous seaside resort, Capricciosa is prepared with boiled egg and mussels, black olives are often replaced by green olives. In the north, where you often see this pizza, it is prepared with the addition of sausage cut into rings.
Pizza Capricciosa – an original cooking recipe
Form 4 balls of 250 grams for every 4 people.
- Salt and pepper;
- 500 g flour type 00;
- 1 package of liquid yeast or 1 pack;
- 250 ml of warm water;
- Olive oil 1 tablespoon;
- 250 g of tomato pulp;
- pitted olives;
- artichokes;
- 100 g of boiled ham;
- 80 g of mozzarella cheese;
- 1 hard-boiled egg;
- Mushrooms in oil;
* To decorate the finished pizza, use buffalo mozzarella.
After the growth phase, form balls to get 4 balls of dough. Roll out to the right thickness (very thin) on a greased plate, and spread tomato sauce on top.
Put the tomatoes on the pizza, add the ham (not in cubes, but in thin but wide slices), finely chop the mushrooms, slices of artichokes and 8-10 pitted olives. Also cut the mozzarella into cubes. Add all the filling ingredients at the same time.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the pizza for 20 minutes or until the edges are completely golden.
Helpful Hints: Use very little tomato sauce for Capricciosa. This should prevent the ingredients from “floating” on the pizza. It is recommended to wait a few minutes for the sauce to cool before serving the dish to your guests. Olives used as an ingredient for pizza must be strictly pitted.